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How to Calm a Nervous Child Before Picture Day?



帶定個頭盔先,以下只是我們經驗之談,不代表全部人意見及如果唔啱聽就唔好睇落去就得,唔好鬧人 🤣。只是單純分享經驗,希望可以幫到人。個個人嘅情況都唔同,所以自己分析下情況喔。

Tip #1 : Make sure baby is physically happy
Tip #1 : 確保BB小朋友生理上滿足,例如瞓飽食飽唔口渴等等

Tip #2 : Don't tell your children "no need to be afraid when you get there", because it implies there's something scary there.
Tip #2 : 唔好同BB講「一陣去影相唔洗驚」,因為咁樣意味著一陣有啲嘢會令人驚不過唔洗驚? BB有機會會覺得點解要驚?咁就驚咗先。

Tip #3 : Don't compare your children with other children's picture would help. I mean don't say things like "oh baby look, how come you don't smile like them?"
Tip #3 : 唔好直接喺小朋友面前將佢用來同其他小朋友嘅相比較,例如見到張人哋嘅靚相就同小朋友講:「你睇下人哋影得幾靚,你頭先又唔笑」。好大機會之後再影相都好難笑喔。

Tip #4 : If you knew your child is very sensitive who needs special care, highly recommend you talk to the studio beforehand, so they can be prepared.
Tip #4 : 假如你已知道小朋友是非常敏感需要額外照顧或時間,建議你同我哋講聲。如果需要比正常長好多時間熱身嘅小朋友來我哋度影相又不想付額外費用買多一節時間,可以訂平日最晏個時段喔。




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